
We have a responsibility as a leaders to continue to keep the fire of urgency burning in our hearts for discipleship! Build your faith to continue growing the kingdom of God by clicking play below. 


Want to Listen to messages on Discipleship with no interruptions? Here’s a full playlist of every teaching!

Defining Discipleship


Pastor Jason explains the heart of making disciples and being servants of God.


Quarantined but Not Isolated


In this message, we deal with the spirit of isolation that has tried to creep in during quarantine and keep us from complete submission to one another and the vision of Freedom.


Time to Fight for God’s Harvest


In this message, we learn to recognize the critical timing of God’s Harvest of souls, and how to fight to keep them from being lost.


The Fear of Man


In this message, we learn how to overcome the fear of man in our lives, how this fear is rooted in the fear or rejection, and are encouraged to know that even as Jesus was rejected, He didn’t allow that to stop Him from fulfill God’s purpose.


How to Lead in Difficult Times


In this message, we learn about the grace of God that comes upon us to help us continue doing the vision of Freedom during hard times.


Stay Faithful to Your Calling


In this message, we learn the key to remaining faithful to the call of God on our lives. We must stay fluid in times of transition so we can fulfill our ministry.


The Power of Targeted Prayer


In this message, we learn the importance of a targeted prayer and the authority we carry to see changes happen.


Freedom Is A Church Without Walls 


In this message, we learn about the call to reach out to the people forgotten by the world as we build the army of God. Together, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we’ll help the broken.


Stay Grateful For The Vision


In this message, we learn how to stay focused on the Vision while facing the five main distractions sent from the enemy. The key to is to enjoy the process of discipleship and the day-to-day tasks required.


Miracles on the Horizon - Let My People Go


In this message, we learn about answering the call of God to save souls and make disciples. We also must determine if we hear the cries of the people, and are we doing our part to connect them to Freedom.


A Kingdom Mentality Is An Army Mentality


In this message, we learn about being a soldier in the army of Christ. The more we internalize the vision, the more fruitful we become.




In this message, we learn we need the anointing to be fruitful soul winners and disciple makers, and that this calling brings great glory to our Father.


The Anointing to Rule


In this message, we learn that we have been called and anointed to be both priest and king, in the areas of ruling the fantastic five - Family, Finance, Fitness, Formation, Fruit.


The spirit of multiplication


In this message, we learn about multiplying small groups, and why we must have double honor. We must focus on the movement of Freedom, knowing that when we have double honor it allows us to walk in the double portion.


Bringing the fire of god and discipleship to the nations


In this message, we learn about the importance of carrying the fire of God and how with it we are able to accomplish the great commission - to save souls and make disciples.


foundation of discipleship


In this message, we learn about the principle purpose of discipleship and the systems necessary to take your spiritual authority to the next level.


Fanning the Flames of Urgency


In this message, we learn about our responsibility as leaders to keep the fire of urgency burning in our hearts by consistently saving souls and multiplying leaders.


God Builds His Church Through a United People Willing to Sacrifice


In this message, we learn the importance of staying connected to God and to one another, and why we give sacrificially in faith without fear. 


Take the city and let my people go


In this message, we learn the many characteristics of a Kingdom Church and how to use them to conquer a city for the Glory of God.  


because god is with us


In this message, we will be learning that Immanuel means, "God is with Us", and how this knowledge will enable us to prosper in God's vision and to pass the Lust test.


kingdom prayers


In this message, we will be learning about Kingdom Authority, which is the key for people getting and staying free, and the power of Kingdom prayers to save souls and make disciples.. 


Pastor Jason in hawaii


In this message, we learn that in every Christian there is a mighty warrior ready to be developed. We are raising an army of disciples for the Lord who will be soul winners and eventually disciple makers.


Submit in the name of jesus


In this message, we learn to prophecy over the lives (dry bones) of new believers as God is taking them through a process of spiritual growth. We also learn to stay submitted to our leaders as wives are under the submission of their husbands.


being uncomfortable for the vision


In this message, we continue learning that our Vision and Mission starts and ends with Souls. And we make ourselves available because the Lord has need of us.


Bringing God's Freedom to This Generation


In this message, we learn how to understand the Spirit of this house through the Vision and the Mission of Freedom, and how to make ourselves available to be used by God.


prosperous leadership externally is connected to the internal


In this message, we learn how the basic principles of farming utilize God's order of seed time and harvest, and how this relates to the Path


the multiplication of discipleship


In this message, we will learn about some of the Fears that will stop a Freedom Family Group from Multiplying.


a united army stewarding the commanded blessing


In this message, we learn that fighting for Unity is fighting for the commanded blessing, and how to help offended people without being effected ourselves.


disciples are not born, they're made


In this message, we learn the purpose of our God-given system called The Path. We are raising an army for God.


faith qualifies us to do the great commission


In this message, we learn that we can't allow fear to hold us back from performing the Great Commission.


understanding the warfare behind the growth


In this message, we learn the importance of Spiritual Gardening to grow a crop of Leaders, and how to understand the times like the Sons of Isaachar.


let my people grow


In this message, we learn how to conquer through team work, and that by faith we have the victory.