God Builds His Church Through a United People Willing to Sacrifice

1. One Heart, One Soul – Staying in Tune With God and One Another

Acts 4:32-37 Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all. Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need. And Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles having land, sold it, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet.

·         One mind – breathing spiritually together like a healthy body

·         The spirit of unity and generosity always produces miracle power

·         Unity produced great grace, mega ability, and mega favor

·         Unity helps produce God’s purpose and meets the needs

·         Example: He didn’t seek recognition, He sought Heaven’s purpose


Neh 4:6 So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.

Ps 133:1-3 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity! 3 For there the lord commanded the blessing Life forevermore.

2. We Are to Give Sacrificially in Faith, Without Fear or Worry

1 Kings 17:9-16 “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.” So he arose and went to Zarephath. And when he came to the gate of the city, indeed a widow was there gathering sticks. And he called to her and said, “Please bring me a little water in a cup, that I may drink.” And as she was going to get it, he called to her and said, “Please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand.” So she said, “As the Lord your God lives, I do not have bread, only a handful of flour in a bin, and a little oil in a jar; and see, I am gathering a couple of sticks that I may go in and prepare it for myself and my son, that we may eat it, and die.” And Elijah said to her, “Do not fear; go and do as you have said, but make me a small cake from it first, and bring it to me; and afterward make some for yourself and your son. For thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the Lord sends rain on the earth.’” So she went away and did according to the word of Elijah; and she and he and her household ate for many days. The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the Lord which He spoke by Elijah.

·         When we take care of God’s house, He takes care of ours

Matt 6:31-33 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Mark 10:29-30 So Jesus answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left (sowed) house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions and in the age to come, eternal life. (Eternal giving)