Urgency for The Vision

1. Birthed Through Prayer

Is 49:14-15, 19-20 Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me, And my Lord has forgotten me.” “Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? they may forget, Yet I will not forget you. “your waste and desolate places, the land of your destruction, Will now be too small for the inhabitants; those who swallowed you up will be far away. The children you will have Will say The place is too small for me; Give me a place where I may dwell.’

The lost are coming home - remember why we do what we do and keep the fires of urgency to save souls and make disciples.

●   Prayer produces the Urgency and Focus required to bring the vision to pass.

2. Prayers for the vision to be advanced

Js 5:16-17 AMP The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours [with the same physical, mental limitations and shortcomings], he prayed intensely for it not to rain, and it didnt for 3.5 years

3. Prayer for the mission to be accomplished

Matt 9:38 Jesus said pray the lord of the harvest then he said GO!

Gal 4:19  My little children, for whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you,


4. Prayers for revival in the city - People being healed on the Path

2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.



the importance of the vision, mission, and the path

Matt. 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,

●   Baptizing them (FFC)

●   Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you."

1.  If we want to see the full blessing of God in our lives we must fully obey His commands.

John 14:15 "if you love Me, keep my commands"

John 14:21 "He who has my commandments and does them/keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him."

●     Molding their lives

●     Taking off all the rough edges in their personality and character

●     Took personal responsibility for their spiritual growth bringing them to a place of fruitfulness. 

2. Jesus took personal responsibility with His 12 to model the message of discipleship

It is important that we get those in our group saved, connected, disciple them through relationships. Know that their prior life and their friends that are not saved are driven by the demonic to get them back in bondage.

John 15:16 "I chose you. I wanted you, appointed you, I set you where you are.

Esther 4:14 "And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"


3. We have been called to advance God's Kingdom- God's favor is on our life for this